I've been staring at the computer screen for a few minutes now, having no idea what to write. All I know is that I want to write something, anything. Since I'm starting this blog, maybe I can start off by narrating how my 2012 has been, and how I came to wanting to write again.
I was an account executive for a year at an advertising firm and I resigned at the same month I was sent to Singapore and promoted again. Why? When God calls you to do it, you wouldn't find the power in you to say no. I loved my job and I will forever be grateful for that experience. I always felt that I was blessed in my workplace. What I didn't realize was how much more blessed I will be when I finally let go of what I love to do, and let God teach me and lead me to a new season in my life. The past months of rest (literally and in God's presence), were the most fulfilling 2 months of my life. Some would wait a year (or more) to be able to say this but that's the God I have, someone who can fill me up beyond what I can ever expect.
First, I was able to change my look. The first blessing of not working is having so much time in your hands. Hence, a 6-hour stay at the salon. Haha. From the black short and fluffy hair, I had it treated and colored. I think I like the transformation. A new me for a new season :)
Second, I am so happy to be spending so much time with my mom and sister. When I was still working, there were days when I won't be able to see them at all. Now, I'm able to do almost everything with them. Also, I'm so privileged to be able to contribute more to our family business. It's a lot of work, but God will prove Himself to us, I'm sure :)
Third, I am so thankful and happy to have attended Victory Weekend! This has been parked since we finished our One2One around July last year, but time never permitted us to go. I believe that God prepared me for this and that this is His perfect time for me. All the glory and honor to God!
And with VW done, I'm so happy to be an instrument in bringing glory to God. I missed music ministry so much. Of all the highs in my life, I consider this to be at the top. Also, I am able to volunteer more in different church events. Hence the picture on the left, hihi :)
When I was still working, I think I missed every gathering or event you could name. I missed meet-ups I organized and I even missed my own birthday dinner. One of the things I thank God for this new season is the opportunity be with my friends more. I do not have to miss get togethers, dinners, and tambays anymore :)
To add to that, I'm also thankful that I don't have to miss major events of my social circles. Hahaha. My high school barkada's Jan-Feb-Mar celebration and my small group's slumber party are events you just can't afford to miss!
And finally, I am very thankful to God for allowing me to take such amazing trips even at just the first quarter of the year - 2 trips to Singapore and a road trip to Ilocos! I thank God for these opportunities, and for continuously providing for me despite the fact that I'm technically unemployed now. God is my manager and my provider and I have no problem but to constantly bask in His amazing grace and favor!
I don't know if I can explain this enough, but I'm having the time of my life now. I may not have much and these may not even mean anything to you, but this is the season when God is taking me by the hand, showing me His wonders, and just constantly leaving me in awe. And the best part of it, I have 3 more quarters to enjoy these same blessings and more. I am no writer but with so much happening in my life, I think I need an outlet to share all this and of course, to testify how great and loving my God is. Even after writing this whole entry, I don't know what this blog will be about. But I know that as I go on, God will continue to amaze me in ways that I can blog about them. Haha. Cheers! :)
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