Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Organized Chest Drawer

So I bought this new chest drawer, aaaaaand it's finally time to organize! YAAAAAAAY! No? Okay :))))

If you don't feel the same about organizing as I do, I hope you'll at least be inspired to organize anything in your room, car, or even your bag or wallet. Please? :))

The top 2 drawers are what I use most frequently. For the first drawer, it wouldn't be hard to guess why it's all blurred. Haha. I got these bins from Ikea and I regret not buying more of these. Bins 1 and 2 are for underwear, 3 is empty at the time I took pictures for this post but it now holds softer types of belts and random pieces of cloth, 4 is for my socks.

This is the upper right drawer dedicated to when I get ready in the morning. 1 - all my make-up. I used acrylic bins from Japan Home (LOVE THESE) since it's super duper cheap. The ones from Ace Hardware or Department Stores are very pricey. And these for P66 or P88 only are the bomb. If you still couldn't guess, those are of course further categorized to powder, foundations, blush, eyes, eyebrows, lips, creams, seldom used brushes, and random. #sorrynotsorry

I also recycled cans to hold make-up brushes and other beauty and vanity tools. 2 - storage for unopened or travel sized products. The black bin is from Daiso for P88 only. 3 - blue pouch contains hair curlers (which I never use haha) and the brown pouch is an empty one, which I use when I go out so I can just grab whatever product I want to bring with me for the day (depending on the activity but usually just blotting films, powder, and petroleum jelly) so I can just shove it all in here and go.

Third drawer (middle left) contains all my doctor sister's scrubs suits.

Fourth drawer (middle right) is dedicated for accessories. 1 - bracelets, rings, padlocks for travel, things with no category (haha). 2 - watches for repair and battery replacement. I placed them in a tub so it's easy for me to grab when I know I'm going to a mall where I can have these checked-up. 3 - bigger bracelets and bangles that won't fit in the clear box, that box was a packaging for a gift I got several years ago. 4 - eye wear, box was made from an eye solution box. 5 - pouches for sunglasses. 6 - cases for eye glasses. 7 - earrings, pinned through a foam board (leftover from a DIY project). 4 and 7 also seen in this post.

I actually don't want to discuss the fifth drawer because my siblings will open this the next time they're home. But, here you go :))) It's for random stuff I accumulate for a season. And with stuff, I mean food :)) I just got home from a trip and just celebrated teachers' day when I took photos so these are all products of the 2 events. As of writing, that drawer holds Christmas gifts I'm hiding from family that I still need to wrap :))

The last drawer holds other personal stuff. 1 - this bin holds all camera related stuff. 2 - is a secret :)) 3 - my stash of contact lens cases. I have one too many, yes? 4 - pony tails. Tin can from a popcorn shop. 5 - box of photos, box gifted to me. 6 - passports and bag tags, green bin bought at a very cheap price from a plastic warehouse. 7 - wallets/pouches I use when I travel.

Organizing is of course different for everybody. What's important is you have a system in place that works perfectly for you. And I'm happy that since I got this chest drawer, I was able to maintain it and keep it organized. That means I was able to figure out a system that suits my daily routine. My encouragement for everyone is not to be overwhelmed with everything that needs to be organized, but just figure out a system that will work for you in a breeze. It's okay to constantly change things up until you find the one that works for you best.

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