Tuesday, May 5, 2015

DIY: Reupholstered Office Chair

Finally posting my first DIY for my tiny office! My office chair definitely needed some updating. I found a tutorial from HGTV Handmade Youtube channel and since then, I couldn’t wait to dismantle my chair. Haha. Here’s what it looked like before:

The fabric I used was once a dress I thrifted and I only bought it because I liked the print. And the fact that it only costs P30.00 was a no brainer. I kept it in my closet waiting for the perfect opportunity to fabricate (put fabric HAHAHA) something. I was thinking I’ll probably do a bulletin board or pillow but then it got to me, this was finally it, pancit!

I disassembled the chair. It was actually my very first time to unscrew something and it was fairly easy haha. The tutorial I found just reupholstered over the original fabric and that’s what I did. 

Measure and cut the amount of fabric you’ll need and staple away. I only used an ordinary office stapler for this one.

When I was finished, I tried putting it in its backing and it wouldn’t fit! Also, I realized that the foam was sooooo dirty so my mom helped me and washed it. I did it also for the larger piece. We let it dry overnight and did my best to keep my excitement for another day.

While letting the foams dry, I went ahead and removed the remaining fabric and staples at the back of the ply woods. It was really hard to remove them and I think I used every tool possible. In the end, I still wasn’t able to remove all but I think I was able to take out most of it.

The next day, of course I proceeded with my upholstery.

The back doesn’t look neat at all, but the end result was very nice!

Here it is screwed into the backing and its stem.

Let’s not forget the before and after photo which never fails to plaster a permanent smile on my face!!!

 An additional update I did was spray painting it to white. I would lie if I say I super love the outcome. But I guess that's part of DIY-ing. Trying and testing and learning from your decisions. Anyway, this was the process:

Unscrew everything again, lay it down on some scrap boxes or paper,  wipe everything clean, and spray paint away. I have no idea yet about priming and fixating so this is the only process I did. I applied 3 coats of paint and it was able to fully cover it.

Once the paint dried, I tried to fit the upholstered foam right away. Sino excited? :)))

I had a really big booboo for the back part. The plyboard and foam won't unscrew anymore so I tried my best to insert pieces of paper between the foam and the portion I'm about to paint. And well, though I was able to paint it, it didn't turn out as nice as the bigger piece. And it failed big time I can't even show it to you :(

But I can show you more photos of the back! HAHAHA.

I'm sorry for the messy background. But that's real life. Haha.

I would have wanted to also remove the adjusting rings below (whatever you may call it) but I have no idea how to remove them so I had to live with it. Overall, I'm happy with the result. I don't know if I'll reupholster some more in the future but I think this was already a good start. Now for the rest of my office. Yay! :)

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